포터블 엑스레이 Portable X ray 전문기업 오톰, OTOM


어제보다 더 건강한 오늘

오늘보다 더 안전한 내일


어제보다 더 건강한 오늘,
오늘보다 더 큰 안전으로.
" 건강한 삶의 동반자 "

현재 인류의 건강은 다양한 위협에 직면해 있습니다.
우리는 더 나은 삶을 기꺼이 추구해야 합니다.
주식회사 오톰은 우리가 건강한 만큼 사회를 건강하게 할 수 있다는
믿음이 있기에 오늘도 고민하고 연구하고 행동합니다.

일생의 삶을 더 건강하게 영위할 수 있도록 주식회사 오톰이 함께 하겠습니다.



안전한 의료용 엑스레이와 정밀한 산업용 엑스레이

NET신기술, 미국FDA, 유럽CE 인증을 받은 저선량, 저피폭 올인원 포터블
엑스레이. 국내 뿐 아니라 세계에서도 인증 받았습니다.


언제나 당신 곁의 기술, OTOM
Anytime Anywhere Technology by your side

자체 연구개발, 자체 생산으로 비용 절감 및 고품질 X-ray 원천기술 확보
경쟁력을 갖춘 높은 기술력으로 Oral-Sensor 자체 개발로 디텍터 기술 확보



병∙의원(대학병원, 종합병원, 병원, 의원, 요양원, 구급차, 병원선), 대한결핵협회 전국지부,
서울특별시 25개구 보건소, 전국 국군병원에 설치되어 있습니다.

일반 병원

일반 병원

일반 병원

일반 병원

상급 병원

상급 병원

결핵협회 노인결핵 검진

결핵협회 노인결핵 검진



원주 관내 보건진료소

원주 관내 보건진료소



군 의무대

군 의무대


궁금하신 사항 있으시면 지금 바로 문의주세요.


[Notice] Funding description

Our Focus
We view our global corporate funding as an opportunity for OTOM to help improve AI techniques in human imaging and patients’ lives by filling unmet needs, demonstrating our commitment to the communities we serve, and making an impact through meaningful support to organizations, initiatives, and causes that reflect our mission, values and strategic focus.

This website may be used for unsolicited corporate funding requests from non-profit organizations only. Applicants must demonstrate a strong commitment to, and capacity for, providing the services for which they are requesting support.
Across all corporate grants, funding must be consistent with our compliance policies and corporate objectives, and such funding cannot violate any applicable FDA, federal, individual country, or international health care program requirements. The marketing, use, purchase or prescription of OTOM’s products and/or the recipient’s potential to influence the marketing use, purchase or prescription of those products are independent from corporate funding and will not be considered when deciding on a corporate funding request.

Eligible Applicants
We accept applications from Principal Investigators (PIs) who meet the eligibility criteria below.
· PI's institution: PIs must belong to a university, educational institution, or governmental/non-profit research institute. (E.g., we accept submissions from research institutes that are categorized as governmental and NPO/NGO in nature index tables.)
· PI's position: PIs must be a full-time faculty member (adjunct professors and adjunct researchers are not eligible) or researcher and be eligible to supervise Ph.D. students at the PI's institution. Full professors, associate professors, and assistant professors are eligible to apply.
· Countries: The PI's institution must be in the United States of America.

Target Award
Focused Research Award : $150K USD* per year for 2 years

Research Agreement
A sponsored research agreement is required that is mutually agreed upon by OTOM, the PI, and his/her institution on all program terms including objectives, milestones, publication, use of research, and patent rights before any award is made or funding is available. This sponsored research agreement is negotiable at the award stage and must be between OTOM, the PI, and the PI's university/institution only. The sponsored research agreement will be for the benefit of the OTOM legal entity specifically contracting with the PI's university/institution.

Minimum Deliverables
One yearly reports and a final research summary report are required at a minimum.

Proposal authors or universities/institutions must ensure that no confidential or proprietary information is included in submitted proposals. OTOM will treat all information submitted in proposals as non-confidential and non-proprietary.

Intellectual Property (IP) Rights
IP rights are negotiable at the award stage and will be specified in the sponsored research agreement. At a minimum, OTOM requires the right to utilize the results of the research that OTOM sponsor for commercial and noncommercial purposes, including results that describe potentially patentable subject matter.

Budget Guidelines
The Focused Research Award is limited to a maximum of $150K USD* per proposal. This funding is a sponsored research grant that is to be used to conduct the research described in the proposal, and includes no more than 20% indirect costs related to this research needed to carry out the research.

How to apply
· Grant requests to support fellowship programs should be submitted to email address : contact@theotom.com
· The grant team will guide applicants through the process of determining the funding decision.
· All decisions regarding support are at the discretion of OTOM and will be communicated by email.
· Submission of a request does not guarantee support.
· For more information, or for questions regarding the status of a grant request, please email contact@theotom.com

2024. 4. 17.
